Many Business’ we work with have trouble with internal and external customer service . They believe that if sales are good and they offer a quality product or service that their customers will continue to make purchases. This isn’t always the case. If you want to boost sales and build trust with your customers, you […]
How to Stop Distractions At Work
This might surprise you, considering I’m the CEO of a multimillion-dollar company, but even I have struggled with distractions at work. For me, the worst time-suckers were Facebook, Skype and my email. I know how tempting it is to check your messages, browse through your friends’ photos and catch up on email notifications while you’re […]
Does Size Matter
Whenever I meet anyone who makes hiring decisions, I ask how they make a choice when they have a great pool of candidates. The most frequent answers I hear are, “Well, I’ll go with whoever seems to be the best personality fit,” or “I’ll go with my gut.” Unfortunately this approach does not account for […]
How to Build Trust and Communication within Your Company
By Tom Borg OWLS Senior Facilitator Let’s talk about the communication that takes place between you, your managers and your employees. One of the most difficult and costly issues in companies and organizations today, is the lack of clear communication. What is so dangerous about poor communication is that it costs your company an exorbitant […]
Any organization can function with effective managers if the goal is to maintain the current path and preserve tradition. For those seeking to create an organization with a culture and performance that distinguish it from others, leadership is a must. Unfortunately, much of what has been written about leadership arrives with electric amplification, synthesizers and […]
What It Takes To Make A Great Hire
Why is it so important to match someone behaviorally with the right job? The better the match, the less chance you’ll waste money spent on hiring, training, fixing mistakes, and (when things don’t work out) replacing that person down the road. The better suited a person is to their job in terms of their natural […]